
How to create a stunning travel website with WordPress?

So, what comes to your mind when we utter the words, “travel website”? Grand locations. Luxurious vacations. Glorious pictures. And the list goes on, right? Well, technically that is what a travel website should be like. Look, both science and common sense will tell you that travel is the business to go for now. People have more money than ever, and more importantly, they’re twice as more inclined to spend on lavish vacations than they would have, say ten years ago. Now that we’ve established how lucrative an opportunity the travel business is, let’s go down to the basics, shall we? Here you can find How to create a stunning travel website with WordPress?

Importance of Your Travel Website

Gone are the days when people would actually appoint travel agencies to take care of their vacations for them. Nowadays, people would rather just log into websites which provide them with the information they need. So, if you’re wondering if you should go the extra mile as far as your travel website is concerned, we’d suggest you go for it. The truth is, humans are pretty superficial by nature. If you do not impress your customers with the website, they wouldn’t give your company a second thought. They’d rather go for some company that managed to come up with an exemplary travel website than one that actually guarantees exceptional service. The key to success is to offer both.

And while we’re at it, the best option for you, if you’re planning to design your website, is WordPress. Why do you ask? Let’s take a look.

What do you want to include on the website?

Before you even start working on your website with WordPress, you need to decide upon the elements that would form the crux of the travel website.

  • Of course, there are a few crucial elements without which your website would be incomplete. For instance, you have the marketing elements that would help establish a connection with the audience.
  • If you are planning to include blogs on the website, it would be wonderful if you could find a way to incorporate your social media profiles in them. Use URLs and links in order to do so. That not only captures the attention of the user but also helps you expand your horizons.
  • Customer testimonials are a must. When looking up travel deals online, customers always look for testimonials of those who have availed these offers previously – it’s a matter of who they’re able to trust.

WordPress makes it easier to add images and maps

Wordpress Gallery plugins

Similarly, if you are planning to make your travel information as detailed as possible, make sure you get hold of adequate images and maps as well. Remember, your customers would be making reservations through your website, which includes payment. You can use a Gallery Bank plug-in to create photo albums. Also, ensure that your contact information is readily available on the website.

Tell a story with the right themewordpress theme


If you’ve been focusing on the recent trends in marketing, you’ll notice that they all focus on storytelling. After all, what could be more endearing than a true story that moves the hearts? Every business has a story behind it, behind how it came into being. What made you start a traveling business? Basically, you need to make your company seem all the more human. Your customers want to know more about you, about who you are, about what your company stands for. Now WordPress provides you with a plethora of extraordinary themes like Breviter and Illion for travel websites. You can browse through the themes that are available and make the choice based on the kind of story you want to tell. Make sure the theme is compatible with your story.

Plug-ins and detailing

plugins and details for wp

This is one of the major advantages of using WordPress. WordPress makes it exceptionally easy to come up with a stellar website.

  • You are able to add detailing to the getaways to make them all the more efficient and user-friendly. For instance, photo galleries and photo albums are an integral aspect of any websites.
  • You need to make provisions for both thumbnail images and for full-length pictures. That is possible with the help of WordPress.
  • Similarly, WordPress comes with a number of plug-ins which make sharing content over multiple platforms easier. For instance, if there’s an Instagram plug-in, it would be visible to the users while they access the website. By clicking on the plug-in, they would instantly be redirected to your Instagram page.
  • You can also use a plug-in called Timeline Plug-in which can help you create a kind of timeline of how your business has progressed over the years.

Reservation and booking

WordPress provides adequate plug-ins and features which can help your customers make reservations for you. For that, you would need a Book Calendar plug-in. Most travel websites that are run by small-scale companies do not have built-in options for reservations. So if users are planning to use the website for reservation, they can do so with the help of the plugin. They can check the reservation days, the availability, the booking days and so on.

Also, keep in mind that your customers will be paying you through getaways and might even make the payment for the reservation through you. As you can understand, this is always a sensitive issue and must be dealt with in the correct manner. As a matter of fact, there are several plug-ins like WooCommerce that might be used for payment getaways. Make sure you don’t compromise with this. If customers are paying for their vacations through you, make sure you earn their trust.

Basic information should be included

If there is one thing that WordPress does, it is this – it makes providing basic information about your company very convenient and effortless. For instance, information that seems trivial like your address, hours, company policy and so on could play an integral role in how the customer perceives you.

Now irrespective of whether you want to improve upon an existing travel website or whether you’re planning to create a new one, WordPress is the ideal choice for you – it brings to you myriad options that are sure to leave you spellbound.

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