
How to Integrate an Options Page into Your WordPress Theme

Not everyone is familiar with HTML or CSS. Only qualified programmers can afford to understand the coding. Non technical users always find it difficult to understand coding and to make matters simple you can change your blog theme without extensive coding. In order to streamline options in WordPress themes and plugin settings, API is used. It is the most secure way to integrate options page into your WordPress theme. API offers easiness of setting up the options page, hardens security and is compatible with WordPress core.

In order to create the options page, information should be sent to WordPress about the option page creation. This can be achieved by actions. Actions can be called at a particular time during WordPress execution. Actions’ functions can be tied to these and can be executed at a specific time.

To make changes to the theme according to your style, tabbed dialogs can be added. Using classes, the option page can be blended with the other options in dashboard.

How to add multiple upload inputs on WordPress theme option page

Adding a new type implies that new case to switch statement is being added.

Add the field array, give it a name, title, description, default value, type and mention the section.

Get a few scripts and styles in place like the Medial uploader script, thickbox script, thickbox CSS and ‘my-upload’ script.

Target field is set once the media uploader button is clicked.

Put the value in the target field.

Remember a media uploader and Thinkbox script are the easiest possible way to implement the theme options page, though the drawback can be neglected. Making customized theme options page can improve usability.

Integrate an Options Page into Your WordPress

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