Wordpress Plugins

Top WordPress Affiliate Plugins

There is so much that one can do with a blog or website on WordPress. Not only is it a great way to express oneself and find an outlet for all one’s hidden feeling, emotions and experiences; it can also be turned into a profitable venture that helps one make money by advertising on one’s page. There are a lot of options that WordPress offers in the form of ‘Plugins’ for the same.

Plugins are basically programs which allow the web page/blog/site to perform a number of functions other than just providing a good read. It thus makes the webpage more flexible and integrated to other functions and tasks.

The WordPress Affiliate plugin is one such tool that helps associate the article one is reading to other pages by linking the words in the text on the webpage to other sites. It’s a great way to advertise actually since the banners and message boxes displaying advertisements might escape the eye of the reader.

Integrating useful sites and pages selling the required goods and services to the text makes these items impossible to miss out on. In course of reading the document which is essentially why the viewer has visited the link, he/she is likely to go through the keyword and might further pursue the link. Thus the affiliate plugin makes blogging a monetizing venture.

Some of the efficient affiliate plugins are as follows:-

123linkit Plugin


View Plugin

This is a wonderful plugin option for anyone and everyone wanting to affiliate one’s page with appropriate links. The keywords offered come from a database storing numerous big companies. So although the search goes through a very vast number of options it actually browses for targeted content and does not cause any sort of inconvenience to the reader or the user. The response time is very less and the efficiency is remarkable. 123linkit appropriates 15% of the generated revenue as commission.

Affiliate.ly Plugin

This is one of the simplest and most efficient plugin to make use of. Affiliate.ly simply integrates the keywords with sites like Amazon and Clickbank without even having to sign up or create an account. True to its tagline affiliate.ly actually helps in monetizing well and keeps ‘marketing on autopilot’. With such convenient options one doesn’t need to worry much as money comes pouring into the blogger with every purchase of the viewer. This site keeps 30% of the generated revenue as commission.

Viglink Plugin


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Viglink is another good option that opens links to thousands of companies. It also offers options of track commissions and click throughs which helps get the maximum benefit from your blog/site. The site charges 25% of the earnings as profit.

Skimlinks Plugin


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The structure and working of Skimlinks is different from the ones listed above. Although it is a popularly advised WordPress affiliate plugin, it requires certain unique compulsions to be met.

The blog needs to be a live one, holding active conversations and interaction including discussions on the goods and services offered to the viewer. Therefore one needs to be approved of being an affiliate by the site before one starts enjoying the benefits of this monetizing blogging venture. The site charges 25% as commission.

Mbpninja Affiliate Plugin


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This plugin leaves the user at liberty to decide what links and pages his blog or site should be affiliated to. Unlike the other sites which offer a list of pre decided keywords linking the blog/site to predefined pages, the task of affiliation in this is actually left to the user himself. Though the feature does not charge a regular commission on every transaction made but the plugin itself costs certain amount that must be borne by the blogger.

AffiLinker Affiliate


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This is a ‘google-friendly,’ ‘bing-friendly’ and ‘yahoo-friendly’ plug-in that creates links on one’s web page that the users would ‘love-to-click.’ The dynamic links can be customized by the blogger to get the best effects for his/her webpage. Affilink is a hassle free monetizing option opening doors to many commercial sites without having to go through the pain of writing down big and complex codes since this plugin is powered by Java.

There are certain other features that are allowed to further edit and customize the visibility of each tag on the screen which makes the user in control of every advertisement gateway present on his blog.

Then there are affiliate plugins that integrate one’s web page to only specific sites like Affiliates Jigoshop Integration Light, iTunes Affiliate Pro, ClickBank Press, Affiliates eShop Integration Light and iDavi.

There are thus numerous options available to those looking for them. Affiliate Plugins are a very creative way to advertise as well as actually allow the reader to make purchases over the net as the blogger himself enjoys earning a share in the revenue generated. All one actually has to do is write good posts and attract good amount of traffic to his site, make smart use of such plugins and voila! The money comes pouring in. Not very difficult, is it?

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