Wordpress Plugins

Top 14 Breadcrumbs WordPress Plugins

Breadcrumbs are navigational tools developed for easy navigation through website pages that you have already visited. The pages visited right from the home page to the current page are stored and linked for easy backward navigation.

They generally appear at the top of the page allowing the users easy access to the pages visited. Here is a list of some of the best breadcrumbs plugins that you will be able to find online.

Smart Navigation Breadcrumbs

Smart Navigation Breadcrumbs

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This simple and easy to use Smart Navigation Breadcrumbs plugin will add seamless breadcrumbs navigation to your website. The plugin offers support to different custom post types and various attached media files. Besides generating breadcrumbs for different WordPress pages, the theme even offers support to bbPress plugin forums.

Wpshore Breadcrumb

Wpshore Breadcrumb

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Breadcrumbs plugin will be installed to ensure smooth navigation on the website. With Wpshore Breadcrumbs plugin, users can see the complete path of the current webpage according to the site’s hierarchy.

By enabling this plugin, users can add breadcrumbs to various posts, archives and other web pages supported by the website. It even permits the site visitors to retrace their steps.

Yoast Breadcrumbs

Yoast Breadcrumbs WordPress plugin

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Adding Yoast Breadcrumbs is very easy and all you have to do is to enable the plugin and check on the option that says “Try to add automatically box” if you are using a framework that is supported by WordPress. If not, you can still add this plugin simply by adding a line of code to your template.

Breadcrumb NavXT

Breadcrumb NavXT WordPress Plugin

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Breadcrumb NavXT is a WordPress plugin that will add breadcrumbs features to your template. The navigation is done in a stylish manner and breadcrumbs trails are generated automatically for your blogs or website.

You can customize the navigation according to your requirement depending on the content of your website. And the administrative panel is very simple and easy to use.

Breadcrumbs Everywhere

Breadcrumbs Everywhere WordPress plugin

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You can easily add breadcrumbs to WordPress navigation to our websites. Breadcrumbs Everywhere is a breadcrumbs plugin for WordPress that can be added as easily as adding a line of code to your template.

It will add breadcrumb trail navigation to your template and this plugin also has an admin feature available.

Amr Breadcrumb Navigation

amr breadcrumb navigation WordPress plugin

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Amr Breadcrumb Navigation is a plugin for WordPress templates that will help you to create a breadcrumb trail for your websites or blogs.

Adding Amr Breadcrumb Navigation to your template is easy and will keep the visitors of your website from getting lost.It also comes with separators and options for customization.

RDFa Breadcrumb

RDFa Breadcrumb WordPress plugin

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Generating breadcrumbs trails for your blogs and websites is now very easy. RDFa Breadcrumb is a WordPress breadcrumbs plugin that will help you do the same. It comes with RDFa content markup, which helps Google to identify and display the breadcrumbs even on search results.

Breadcrumb Trail

Breadcrumb Trail WordPress plugin

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Breadcrumb Trail is a WordPress plugin that has been designed to help you place breadcrumb trails navigation easily on your blogs or websites. It is very easy to use and you can place the breadcrumb menu anywhere on your website.

Really Simple Breadcrumb

Really Simple Breadcrumb WordPress plugin

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Just like the name says, Really Simple Breadcrumb is a simple and easy to use breadcrumbs plugin for WordPress templates. You just need to put it in the correct folder and activate it to add breadcrumbs trail navigation to your website or blogs.

There are also options for customization for modifying the styles of the class.

Genesis Simple Breadcrumbs

Genesis Simple Breadcrumbs WordPress plugin

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Genesis Simple Breadcrumbs is a WordPress breadcrumbs plugin that will give you the ability to add breadcrumbs trail navigation to your website or blogs.

It gives your readers an easier control over how they navigate through your website. It has customization options for the home text, separators, wrap, default labels etc.

BP Breadcrumbs

BP Breadcrumbs WordPress plugin

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Looking to add breadcrumbs trail navigation to your website or blog? BP Breadcrumbs will help you do just the same.

BP Breadcrumbs is a very simple to install and easy to use WordPress breadcrumbs plugin that will add breadcrumbs navigation, menu to your website helping your readers navigate easily through it without getting lost in any section.

Here are some more breadcrumbs that you can check out

Breadcrumbs Plus

Breadcrumbs Plus WordPress plugin

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Prime Strategy Bread Crumb

Prime Strategy Bread Crumb WordPress plugin

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WP Nav Menu Breadcrumbs

WP Nav Menu Breadcrumbs Plugin

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